Extra Settings for Column

Add new display device screen size

+ HG: Devices with resolutions of 1600px and above
+ XL: Devices with resolutions from 1200px to 1599px
+ LG: Devices with resolutions from 992px to 1199px
+ MD: Devices with resolutions from 768px to 991px
+ SM: Devices with resolutions from 540px to 767px
+ XS: Device resolution is less than 540px

Order: the order in which the columns are displayed in the section

Custom CSS: You can write specific css for column here.

Display (featured): This is a special configuration. You can display your column in Carousel format. At this point, each widget will be an item of the carousel. It is very useful when you want to display your widgets as a slider.

Column display with Carousel (Display: Carousel)